Miss Elsa Svenson

Spanking & Caning in London with Miss Elsa Svenson


2012 Story Competition eight entry by Harry!


By order of the chair­man of Governors

It has come to my notice that a large amount of cor­po­ral pun­ish­ment is being car­ried out result­ing in wast­ed time. I seek to reduce this. As from today par­ents are expect­ed to ensure that their chil­dren are impec­ca­bly behaved at all times. Should it be nec­es­sary for a child to be spanked or caned the respon­si­ble par­ent involved will be expect­ed to sub­mit to a bare bot­tom can­ing. It is assumed that as  par­ents have cho­sen to send their child to this school that their per­mis­sion is tak­en for grant­ed. Par­ents unhap­py with this are of course free to with­draw their child from the school.

1 Octo­ber 1956


Miss Sven­son was sit­ting in her office towards the end of the first week. She was not sure wether the new edict would work espe­cial­ly in the long term but had been pres­sured to give it a term tri­al and cer­tain­ly after the first week there has been a reduc­tion (actu­al­ly to nil) of demand for cor­po­ral pun­ish­ment although she was sure that would not con­tin­ue for long. Boys and it is usu­al­ly boys can only keep up good behav­iour for a short time regard­less of the intim­i­da­tion that their par­ents may have used.

Sud­den­ly Miss Sven­son became aware of a ker­fuf­fle and Mrs White a white haired teacher in her 50s who had been a loy­al col­league for a num­ber of years knocked on her door and entered with her hand attached to young Jonathan Pren­der­gast’s ear. Jonathan was 11 years old and had been in the school for 5  years since his moth­er had start­ed teach­ing there. He had been in the school long enough to know the rules.

Mrs White had caught him red-hand­ed watch­ing her and oth­er girls get­ting changed and had also been caught using a screw­driv­er to make peep holes larg­er. This is the kind of behav­iour which ado­les­cent boys find extreme­ly fun­ny but every­body else is dis­gust­ed by it in par­tic­u­lar the peo­ple whose pri­va­cy has been vio­lat­ed. This is not the first time that boys have been caught watch­ing staff or girl pupils get­ting changed but Miss Sven­son vowed it would be the last.

Mrs White let go of Jonathan’s ear and Miss Sven­son asked him if what had been said was true – The gig­gles from Jonathan demon­strat­ed that it was and she informed him that he was to receive an exem­plary pun­ish­ment. Jonathan who by then had stopped smirk­ing and realised the trou­ble he was in was asked to wait out­side the time was 2pm and an after noon assem­bly was due in one hour.

Mrs Sven­son quick­ly sum­moned Miss Pren­der­gast to her office. Brush­ing past her son Jonathan, Miss Pren­der­gast was appre­hen­sive about what had hap­penned and why her son Jonathan was wait­ing out­side the office. On enter­ing Mrs Sven­son­s’s office Miss Pren­der­gast was informed about what her son Jonathan had done, and his reac­tion when caught and his sub­se­quent reac­tion which had sat­is­fied Miss Sven­son that he had in fact com­mit­ted these acts.

Miss Pren­der­gast had dou­ble loy­al­ties. As a loy­al col­league of both Miss  Sven­son and Mrs White she would have been equal­ly dis­gust­ed by the actions of her son but she also want­ed to be reas­sured that her son Jonathan had in fact done this.  She opened the door and asked her son and his reac­tion con­vinced his moth­er that this had tak­en place exact­ly as her col­leagues had said.

Miss Sven­son out­lined the pun­ish­ment she had in mind which was a very sound bare bot­tom spank­ing in front of the whole school for about 10 min­utes. She would use her hand and if nec­es­sary a very stur­dy wood­en hair­brush Miss Sven­son had always been reluc­tant to pun­ish in pub­lic as she felt that the mys­tique would go but these was an over rid­ing need here to set an exam­ple to all the boys what would hap­pen if they did some­thing sim­i­lar and there­fore this first part of the pun­ish­ment would take place in assem­bly with­in the next half hour.    After assem­bly all pupils and staff were to be asked to leave the school quick­ly. Teach­ing staff would be on hand to ensure that hap­pened. The sec­ond part of the pun­ish­ment would be 24 strokes of the horse­whip which had been acquired from near­by stables.

At that point Miss Sven­son remind­ed Miss Pren­der­gast who had realised the trou­ble  she her­self was in that she had no option but to car­ry out a can­ing on Miss Pren­der­gast her­self. Miss Sven­son reit­er­at­ed that she did not enjoy can­ing adults but this was regret­tably nec­es­sary and that the new edict from the Gov­er­nors would mean this would hap­pen much more often — she was sad­dened that her first vic­tim was a respect­ed col­league. She said that the can­ing would be car­ried out at 630pm to allow every­one to leave the build­ing and accord Miss Sven­son and Miss Pren­der­gast some privacy.

Miss Sven­son decid­ed that both the sec­ond part of Jonathan’s pun­ish­ment and also the can­ing of Miss Pren­der­gast would take place in the gym over the vault­ing horse. Bend­ing some­one over the vault­ing horse is ide­al for sub­stan­tial pun­ish­ments as it pre­vents the span­kee from try­ing to put hands in the way and allows total control.

Miss Pren­der­gast went red when told this and the real­i­sa­tion came to her what would hap­pen  lat­er that day. Miss Sven­son as the pro­fes­sion­al she is was kind and gen­tle to her col­league but stressed the the gov­er­nors had sim­ply giv­en her no option. The time was com­ing for assem­bly. Miss Sven­son put on her gown and entered the the school hall where 300 pupils were gath­ered in the front row were Mrs White and 5 girls who had been watched undress­ing and who were all feel­ing some­what ner­vous at what was about to happen.

A hard backed wood­en chair had been placed in the cen­tre of the stage. Miss Sven­son spoke for 2 min­utes and said that she would not allow boys to inter­fere with the pri­va­cy of girls or staff by watch­ing then get changed. The first part of Jonathan’s pun­ish­ment was there­fore being done in front of the whole school and the sec­ond would take place lat­er that after­noon. Miss Sven­son remind­ed every­one that they must leave imme­di­ate­ly after­wards know­ing that they would talk of lit­tle else.

As Miss Sven­son sat on the hard backed chair — she called for Jonathan to be bought out. Jonathan was dressed in grey trousers and was sum­mar­i­ly ordered to remove them and the white under­pants he was wear­ing  and place him­self over Miss Sven­son’s knee. As he did so he looked round and saw 300 peo­ple gath­ered to watch what would be his first pub­lic spank­ing. His brava­do and cock­i­ness had gone – It was 300pm.

The sound of hand, smack­ing against Jonathan’s bare bot­tom boomed for the next five min­utes punc­tu­at­ed by Ooohs- Aahs and moans as well as occa­sion­al gasps from the watch­ing stu­dents. Yes Jonathan deserved every­thing he was get­ting- every­one par­tic­u­lar­ly the boys, made a men­tal note to behave them­selves as intend­ed by Miss Svenson .

After 5 min­utes Miss Sven­son stopped – her hand was becom­ing a lit­tle ten­der and she felt unable to do Jonathan’s bot­tom jus­tice so asked a col­league to give her the hair­brush which was on an adja­cent table for just such an even­tu­al­i­ty. Jonathan, whose bot­tom had gone from white to pink to pil­lar box red and was about to go crim­son gulped as the first sounds of the hair­brush rever­brat­ed round the school hall. The reac­tion from the girls and Mrs White in the front row was one of both stunned silence and an inner sat­is­fac­tion of jus­tice being done. By the time the sec­ond lot of 5 min­utes had gone Jonathan’s bot­tom had gone crim­son. Miss Sven­son stopped and dis­missed every­one telling them not to linger and to go home imme­di­ate­ly. The chat­ter was one of dis­be­lief and shock- this  would indeed be a deter­rent to most if not all boys in the school.

Miss Sven­son was approached by Miss Pren­der­gast who had obvi­ous­ly realised as the after­noon went on what was wait­ing for her. She sug­gest­ed that she be allowed to inflict part of the remain­ing pun­ish­ment. Miss Sven­son agreed after jok­ing not to go easy on him and sug­gest­ed that she give the first 6. The glance from Miss Pren­der­gast indi­cat­ed that if any­thing the reverse was likely.

By 430 with the school cleared Mrs White togeth­er with Miss Sven­son Miss Pren­der­gast and Jonathan made their way to the gym where the vault­ing horse had been promi­nent­ly placed. Mrs White was there to help Jonathan into posi­tion and to ensure he remained in that posi­tion for the dura­tion of the punishment.

Jonathan was asked to remove his trousers and under­wear and was then helped over the vault­ing horse. His feet one side his hands the oth­er he could do lit­tle but accept the 24 strokes com­ing his way. His bare bot­tom did  recov­er a lit­tle in the hour since the pre­vi­ous hair brush pound­ing and the crim­son had light­ened a lit­tle to a deep red.- there were also notable white blotch­es which would not remain white for long. The sit-spot just under­neath the but­tocks had hard­ly been touched and would be the con­cen­tra­tion of at least 18 of the strokes to come. Miss Sven­son asked Mrs White to adjust her posi­tion by hold­ing Jonathans hands and tak­ing a step back which had the result of mov­ing the tar­get bot­tom upwards.

With the desired posi­tion hav­ing been achieved Miss Sven­son hand­ed the horse­whip to Miss Pren­der­gast who said to her son that he will remem­ber this thrash­ing for the rest of his life and let rip right in the cen­tre of his but­tocks with a force which con­tra­dict­ed her demure frame. The sec­ond and third strokes were sim­i­lar­ly deliv­ered just above and below the first and the final three of her allot­ted six seered into the white blotch­es turn­ing them a deep red.

Miss Sven­son decid­ed that a minute break was appro­pri­ate for all con­cerned the ini­tial 6 had been giv­en with quite some force and it was impor­tant to ensure Jonathan’s well being.  Miss Sven­son then took up  the horse­whip and flexed it through the air a cou­ple of times to get its mea­sure  – she had used the instru­ment before but not for some time.

Miss Swen­son asked Mrs White to take a step back to ensure that the sit spot was ful­ly acces­si­ble and let rip first on the left side and then on the right. She then stopped to allow the strokes inflict­ed to reg­is­ter and the antic­i­pa­tion of the 12 to come to heighten.

Mrs White checked on Jonathan to ensure he was ok and apart from a few groans he  seemed fine. It was decid­ed that the remain­ing strokes could be giv­en and these were despatched with a short break after the first 6. The scar­ring on the sit spot ensured that it would be a few days before Jonathan could sit comfortably.

Miss Pren­der­gast had already made arrange­ments for a friend to take Jonathan home as she knew that she her­self would hard­ly be able to do this or indeed com­fort him later.

Miss Sven­son con­firmed to Mrs White  that as Jonathan’s moth­er Miss Pren­der­gast was short­ly to be very sound­ly caned by her and invit­ed her to assist but to leave imme­di­ate­ly after the last stroke and Miss Pren­der­gast had been helped from the vault­ing horse. Mrs White who had of course had her per­son­al space vio­lat­ed by Jonathan read­i­ly agreed.

Miss Sven­son took a for­mi­da­ble senior cane and walked to the gym. Miss Pren­der­gast was already there when she and Mrs White arrived. Miss Pren­der­gast was asked to remove all her low­er gar­ments which she did quick­ly- hav­ing often been on the giv­ing end she knew not to antag­o­nise her  pun­ish­er still further.

Mrs White and Miss Sven­son then helped Miss Pren­der­gast over the vault­ing horse still in posi­tion from the horse­whip­ping of her son Jonathan. Miss Sven­son flexed the senior cane through the air and then sud­den­ly WHHOOOSH – the first stroke land­ed absolute dead cen­tre – these would be giv­en in groups of 6. The rest of this quite exten­sive pun­ish­ment was com­plet­ed – Miss Pren­der­gast had found out what It was like to be on the receiv­ing end and would do bet­ter to ensure that Jonathan’s behav­iour did not get her bot­tom a repeat of this punishment..

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